
Central Arkansas Rocketry is a family-friendly group that is here to help rocketeers and rocketry enthusiasts to share in the thrill and challenges of model and high power rocketry.

We are dedicated to rocketry education and providing Arkansans with the means to pursue and enjoy the sport of rocketry. By strict adherence to The National Association of Rocketry’s Model Rocket Safety Code and High Power Rocket Safety Code, the building, launching, and recovery of rockets of all sizes is an exceedingly safe, yet thrilling activity for people of all ages.

Rocketry encourages interest in science and engineering, and draws from a diverse variety of studies and skills in physics, math, aerodynamics, materials science, construction techniques and the artistry of scale modeling.

Whether you fly micro-sized, large High Power rockets, or anything in between, Model Rocketry provides challenges and opportunities for every interest, skill level and age.

Each month, we hold a free public launch and provide launch equipment for anyone who wants to join us. We also hold build sessions where everyone is invited to get tips or some assistance with their latest rocket build, check out projects that others are working on, or come by just to visit, and learn more about rocketry.

We stand ready to assist and advise educators, schools, and youth groups who are wanting to integrate rockets or rocketry education into their programs and curriculum, earn merit badges, or even for TARC competition.

Our overarching goal is to help anyone who has a desire to join in this exciting, yet safe and educational sport. Whether you are someone who has never seen a model rocket in person, or an experienced Rocketeer, we invite you to contact us today!

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